Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just a Quick Update

No links to my space or anything like that this time! Why? Because somebody hacked my email and managed to mangle my network, that's why!
So, when someone gets a hold of your email. they have access to every site you have correspondence with, which means the change password requests you make are sent to who ever hacked your email! what a mess!
Most sites don't have an alternate email in the registration form and once it is set it is in concrete! Now you must go through all of your bookmarks and make changes to your new email address. This is a time consuming thing, be warned. I'm presently working on my twitter at the moment and am pulling my feeds down if they were linked to my old email address. I miss my twitter but you gotta do what you gotta do. Twitter gave me a manual reset code but it hasn't worked yet and I following up with some of the suggestions I found on an information page.
Followers who click on my avatar and find the link to my blog on my Bio, can see what's eatin up my time these days and this is the primary reason for my posting this post rather than the article on my SS welding project this week.
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