Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does anyone make ballads any more?

I was thinkin back to my youth in the 60's over thanksgiving weekend. Most of the males in my family were over seas serving uncle Sam's military duties while I was home hunting for my future life. Times were much simpler then, it's true. A kid could go down the streets once a week and earn $20 -$25 bucks or more a day mowin lawns at $2-5.00 a pop! $5.00 was the going price, if the customer had a big lot on a corner property. Gas was about $.73 a gal. Neighbors bought magizines, candles, and cookies from kids in the neighborhood back then. We were a community back then. Mom didn't have to work a second job back then. Yesh, she did cookin and cleanin, but made sure I made my bed, picked up my messes and dirty clothes,etc... When I was 13, I was old enough to deliver the weekly mini paper as well as service my summer lawn mowin customers. Eventually, I got the daily Rapid City Newspaper's downtown route, and moved onto bigger & better activities like Boy Scouts,boy's club, YMCA, Civil Air Patrol. Sometime between 69 and 1976 I heard this song for the 1st time. I don't think it ever climbed very high on "Wolfman Jacks" radio show but it still lingers in my mind. Back then we could believe in AMERICA, now a days I'm not so sure! Anyways here's the embed code for Mason Profit - Ballod of 2 Hangmen, from the Wanted album.

Mason Proffit video on FoxyTunes Planet

[via FoxyTunes / Mason Proffit]

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