Friday, February 25, 2011

Media Research Center pleas for truth!


Our friends at The Media Research Center have an important
update for your regarding their recently launched campaign
to break the unholy alliance between President Obama and
the liberal media.

While many Americans understand what is going on in Wisconsin,
far too many of them are being bamboozled with propaganda
from the liberal media every night when they turn on the
news! --David

The protests against fiscal restraint in Wisconsin are
intensifying, thanks in large part to public employees
abusing sick leave and President Obama's Organizing for
America group busing protesters into Wisconsin to fight
efforts to control government spending.

Make no mistake - what is happening in Wisconsin is a desperate
attempt by big government liberals to block any attempt at
sane budgeting. This chaos is being eagerly fanned by the
liberal media rejecting any effort to rein in government
spending as an attack on the working class!

+ + Wisconsin Unions vs. Tea Party: Heroes vs. Villains

When conservatives peacefully protested last March against a
statist agenda that included government takeovers of banks,
businesses and healthcare, the Obama-allied media focused
attention not on the rapid expansion of the federal government,
but on the protesters themselves. Grassroots activists were
referred to as "a violent gang ... roaming Washington." CBS's
Nancy Cordes declared the Tea Party protests, "A weekend
filled with incivility."

Not so with the current protests in Wisconsin.

A just released MRC Media Reality Check shows an unmistakable,
double-standard favoring left-wing causes, and an open
hostility toward Conservative and Tea Party protests.

For the full Media Reality Check and to take fast action
with the MRC to break the unholy alliance between President
Obama and the liberal media that is now threatening our
freedom and liberty, click below:

During the Tea Party protests, ABC anchor Charles Gibson was
aghast that protestors brought pictures of Obama with a
Hitler-style mustache to a town hall meeting. Gibson
deceptively failed to report the truth that these signs
were not from a Tea Partier but rather a product of Lyndon
LaRouche's ultra-left wing fringe movement.

But the truth doesn't matter when the Leftist media are on
a mission to discredit and demonize conservatives.

Jump forward to the Wisconsin union protests and no one in
the liberal media seems concerned about signs featuring
Governor Scott Walker as Adolf Hitler or soviet dictator
Joseph Stalin.

Signs with messages like, "Don't Retreat, Reload; Repeal
Walker" with crosshairs over the face of the governor are
ignored. By comparison, a Facebook map posted by Sarah
Palin that placed a crosshair graphic on maps of
congressional districts - not elected officials - was
the subject of a liberal media meltdown last month

+ + Grassroots Americans Breaking the Obama-Media alliance

len, the Obama-Media alliance represents a formidable
and dangerous threat to freedom-loving Americans. That's
why MRC founder Brent Bozell is committed to exposing,
neutralizing and ultimately breaking this unholy alliance.

But as we see in Wisconsin, President Obama has his union
shock-troops fighting the ground war and the liberal media
providing the air cover by manipulating public perception
of the situation. This is an all out offensive to advance
their statist agenda!

How conservatives and Tea Party Americans respond to this
threat is critical.

That's why we are urging all members of our team to sign
our petition to break the Obama - Media alliance by clicking

We at the MRC realize the gravity of this situation, and we're
prepared to take action. Much depends on quickly building
a pro-active grassroots coalition of first-responders who
will join with the MRC to challenge and neutralize the libera
l media.

Our goal is to quickly amass 50,000 signatures that will be
used on the frontlines to call out, expose and neutralize the
media's role in Obama's statist scheme.

After signing, alert your conservative friends and family to
join with you by signing our petition as well by clicking below:

Thank you for taking swift action with the MRC.
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