Note the tabs were some nice laser cut left overs from some other job in my past.
They were drilled, and then counter sunk with a 9/16 " drill bit and then I bolted the nuts in place prior to welding them.
By doing this you are assured nothing is going to warp or move off of center in the hole.
Note the top plates extensions are now only 1/8 " from the frame . No way can a 5/8" board get in under the arm of the springloaded top plate now!r>< span>r>

Meanwhile on the other end of the phoenix the virtacle support needed to be offset.
A horizontal cut at 3/16 " all the way around the top to remove the inserted tube cap leaves me at the same hight as the origional height.
The same procedure was used for the 1/2" 16 tpi nuts on the 2 X 3.5 canteleeverd cap.

Unfortunately the grey touch up paint did not exactly match but that was considered to be insignificant as the customer was extrememly happy with the final product.
The feed back so far is all accolades for a job well done.
March will bring a new challenge when they install a new all in one Sheeter from K-Mec located in Spain.
I have already placed a bid on another project for the trim cutter platform.
While this may have been one of my more complicated projects at first glace, you can see how I broke it down to basic processes and steps to keep it simple.
My best advice is to double check every thing twice and tack once! here's wishin ya good reviews on your projects and ya'll come back now, y'hear?
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