Its been said idle hands are the devils tools, hmm.
Ya can not let your self settle back into your comfort zone after your Victory!
You take the time you need to submit your invoice, enter expenses, and do the analysis thing.
In other words, after the shop party is over, how well did it actually go compared to your expectations or worst fears?
I know I said a little prayer before an overhead weld, on my back under my own tacks and a stick welder! The moment of truth is revealed only after the slag is chipped!
Did you have the tools you needed for the job?
I could have had 2 - 1/2" 16tpi X 2.5 bolts on hand had I planned better, hmm. make note to self.
Looking back at Day 2, I really could have saved time by better preparation the week end before, hmm.. the poser? Football....or the cold shed, hmm.. maybe the sun will shine tomorrow, football wins!
Come on, Football!
Oh, let's not forget the consultation, make sure YOU read the tape! ha ha ha.
Over all I guessed 16.5 hours to complete the project. The actual time spent was 22.5hours after the paperwork was processed that Friday evening. Some of that time was closing out my 2009 year in my office, also not planned for dog gonit!
If that was the worst of the job its a lesson learned.
I can make improvements, thats what life is about! Growing.
I was called in for another consultation just today, I heard more acolades of how well its working! whew! Ya can't beat hearin that!
So whats new at the home of the Hillbilly Handyman hang out? hmm...more table modification, move a ladder on a platform, and build a Single post motor platform for the exhaust system on the "New" K Mec machine to be installed next month!
I have yet to show ya the airboard cart proto-type, I'll have the cart finished this week.