Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Cjhristmas to ya!


Just a little fill in for the holuidays!
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just a Quick Update

No links to my space or anything like that this time! Why? Because somebody hacked my email and managed to mangle my network, that's why!
So, when someone gets a hold of your email. they have access to every site you have correspondence with, which means the change password requests you make are sent to who ever hacked your email! what a mess!
Most sites don't have an alternate email in the registration form and once it is set it is in concrete! Now you must go through all of your bookmarks and make changes to your new email address. This is a time consuming thing, be warned. I'm presently working on my twitter at the moment and am pulling my feeds down if they were linked to my old email address. I miss my twitter but you gotta do what you gotta do. Twitter gave me a manual reset code but it hasn't worked yet and I following up with some of the suggestions I found on an information page.
Followers who click on my avatar and find the link to my blog on my Bio, can see what's eatin up my time these days and this is the primary reason for my posting this post rather than the article on my SS welding project this week.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Global Government?

Another biblical prophesy happening right before your blind eyes America! The United Kingdom is no longer a soveriegn nation! America is jumping right in bed with this Socialist "GREEN" notion... Did Any Media report on the Left wing Riots?

in reference to: EXCLUSIVE – British Peer: Copenhagen Summit Has Established A World Government (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Looking back at 2009?

hmm... Not a good year in the Badger state!

in reference to: Page Title (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dividerboard Cart in Stainless Steel

Earlier this summer I built a prototype cart on a verbal proposition, "We need something better than the carts we are using now. If you think you can build us one we like we may have a few projects coming up, you might be interested in."

The light bulb in my head lit up! A chance to create my own job? hmm... could be the start of something big in MY life! I had been looking for a new opportunity. To keep it short for now, lets just say I built one, they liked it, but before they committed to the carts, some of those other projects would fill the void. Ok by me, I saw an opportunity to document a project, for this blog. I will be writing how to articles with the pictures on the production end for "Do it Your-selfers" like me.

This is the second cart of 6, and one a month will fit nicely in both our schedules. I will have 6 more of a different style, also delivered at one a month. Remember its not just welding here, also purchasing, cutting, piloting and drilling the components as well, in other words planning ahead of problems that naturally happen.

I'm currently building the second prototype, and will show it off in future entries.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Blizard bonfire

I droped a few pictures to ponder sort of on a dare or maybe just to share

in reference to: Unload Lenny!: My Blizard Bonfire (view on Google Sidewiki)

My Blizard Bonfire

Well it is the first big snow! at the Lake Michigan shoreline lot's of slush, 3 miles inland snow is stickin to the lawns, 50 miles inland we have about a foot of that wet & heavy kind of snow. 30 miles west of my little piece of the world there is about 18" of snow on the ground.

So much snow in Madison Wisconsin, that the governor, James Doyle shut down all government offices! Mean while a young lady walked 4 miles in the storm to get to work this morning! There was no bus service. WISC Channel 3 reports this story. She is the type of hero that seldom gets mention, but is vital to everyone. You see she works in a pharmacy. She doesn't make a whole lot of money working behind the counter but her service is much needed both for the general public, and her employer.

Where do people find it within themselves to defy mother nature? Some where in their spirit is a sense of purpose. Something in their character tells them to just do it! They are achievers of goals. They envision dreams and do what is necessary to see progress.

It is in that spirit that I celebrate Winter! Celebrate? You'll be lucky to hear that phrase in less than two weeks time! I guarantee it! Cold fingers , runny noses on the little children, all the good things of life. Doge County didn't close school today. The kids down the road came home from school and had a blast playin in the snow this evening, You can hear them screaming and just doin kid stuff. That's the little joys of life, hearin kids at play.

Why is the Governor just stays home and calls out the National Guard to assist stranded motorist? I'm sure productivity took a hit today with lot's of people callin in to work. I'm grateful that I'm not driven by a slave master!

Sometimes I just don't get it, Lead by example I was taught in OCS. What kind of example is the governor setting? hmm... just some thoughts from my spontaneous, little fireside chat at the outpost!

Hmm. Its good to have mama home on a night like tonight when the -25 degree wind chills blow in from the north later, burr! Hope ya enjoyed the fire take care now, ya hear..Harvey O' Hillbilly's routin for ya America!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What is a 9/12 candidate?

Look at Washington DC, 230+ years of 2 parties manipulating our government. 545 people deciding the fate of 300+ million? Both parties must know the American voice WILL NOT be silenced!

in reference to: Testimonials | Dave Westlake Section / Testimonials (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

United Kingdom No Longer a sovereign state?

Did the U. K. have gun rights? Did anybody fight this or is there deception tied to climate gate and cap and trade? hmm...

in reference to:

"Until yesterday, the EU could not annex additional policy areas without a new treaty, which needed to be ratified by all its constituent nations. Now, it has the so-called “passerelle” clause, or self-amending mechanism. Parliament, in other words, no longer has the final say on extensions of EU jurisdiction."
- At midnight last night, the United Kingdom ceased to be a sovereign state- The Crosstalk Blog (view on Google Sidewiki)

Yup it works good!

Just dug up a post from the past, although it's only a few days old, ever get a direct message about a twitter post from 2 days ago? then try to look it up? benn there done that! lol

in reference to: Page Title (view on Google Sidewiki)