So much snow in Madison Wisconsin, that the governor, James Doyle shut down all government offices! Mean while a young lady walked 4 miles in the storm to get to work this morning! There was no bus service. WISC Channel 3 reports this story. She is the type of hero that seldom gets mention, but is vital to everyone. You see she works in a pharmacy. She doesn't make a whole lot of money working behind the counter but her service is much needed both for the general public, and her employer.

Where do people find it within themselves to defy mother nature? Some where in their spirit is a sense of purpose. Something in their character tells them to just do it! They are achievers of goals. They envision dreams and do what is necessary to see progress.

It is in that spirit that I celebrate Winter! Celebrate? You'll be lucky to hear that phrase in less than two weeks time! I guarantee it! Cold fingers , runny noses on the little children, all the good things of life. Doge County didn't close school today. The kids down the road came home from school and had a blast playin in the snow this evening, You can hear them screaming and just doin kid stuff. That's the little joys of life, hearin kids at play.

Why is the Governor just stays home and calls out the National Guard to assist stranded motorist? I'm sure productivity took a hit today with lot's of people callin in to work. I'm grateful that I'm not driven by a slave master!