Well after eating lunch, I had to mix some dog food for the lads. As I was mixing it up, I got this bright idea to make a batch of puppy Popsicles.
I got the idea as I remembered a friend whose wife actually bakes dogie treats. I wonder where they got those templates to make the actual biscuit shaped treats.
Being the cheapskate that I am, visions of hockey pucks appear in my head. We don't even need no sticks I said to myself, because doggies don't have fingers! Thank God! The labs are BIRD Dogs. We don't need to follow any particular recipe, we'll use gravy train and let it freeze solid. They will love these treats.
Re-purposing all these empty plastic bowls into plastic molds. I'll have to keep the dogs off the deck until they are frozen solid and extracted from the molts. As you can see they look like giant puppy pills! I hope it works on their dogie attitudes!
So the next time it's 40° below zero take advantage of the situation, and make some puppy uppers for your pets. Come 'ere Nugget, we've got nibbles! (;-D