Thursday, January 9, 2014

Government Data-Mining?

Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2014 3:37 PM

On Wednesday, January 8th the Joint Finance Committee voted 8-7 to fund the State Student Information System (SSIS).  This system is an integral part of the data mining mechanism needed for Common Core and Race To The Top.
7 republicans failed to vote against this measure.  Senators Olsen, Harsdorf, Darling and Liebham and Representatives Nygren and Kooyenga voted to fund the data mining system.  Representative Klenke was absent and did not cast a vote.

If even one of these legislators had voted against funding the SSIS a major component of the Common Core takeover would have been given a huge blow.
Please take some time today to call these legislators and let them know that you do not appreciate their position on the SSIS.  You could say something like: 

"Good afternoon, I see that _____________ voted for the Statewide Student Information System.  This system is an enabling technology for invasion of student and parent privacy by the state and potentially by the federal government and corporations.  It is integral to the data mining initiatives related to Common Core coming from the Department of Education.  I do not appreciate your vote in the affirmative and would hope that you would reconsider your position to protect our children's privacy in the future."

Please also forward this message to your email lists and share on social media so that more people can help in this effort!
Together we will rid Wisconsin of Common Core!

Also when making your Calls to these Senators don't forget to
mark your Calander and attend the upcoming Green Bay TEA Party
Meeting In Green Bay Jan. 14th!

Here is the list of Senators to call: 

Sen. Joseph Leibham
  President Pro Tempore
  Phone: 608-266-2056

Sen. Sheila Harsdorf
  Caucus Vice Chairperson
  Phone: 608-266-7745

Sen. Alberta Darling
  Phone: 608-266-5830

Luther Olsen
  Phone: 608-266-0751
Rep. John Nygren
  Phone: (608) 266-2343
Rep. Dale Kooyenga
  Phone: (608) 266-9180
Rep. John Klenke (did not vote)
  Phone: (608) 266-0485

Please don't forget to
mark your Calander and attend the upcoming Green Bay TEA Party
Meeting In Green Bay Jan. 14th!
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