Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Persecuted Pulpit Produces Perversion?

It's been said that God's judgment begins at the pulpit. Who mans the pulpits in America today? Schools have pulpits, but they don't educate our children about God anymore. Why is that? Is it because government is overly involved in education?

Our founding fathers believed government should be involved in education. To educate our citizens and their children about God, God's expectations, and judgments. The founders believed that without God's blessings America as we know it today is, doomed to failure. Schools today are not allowed to mention God on the premises. Instead they teach witchcraft from books like Harry Potter. Schools teach our children we "evolved" from pond scum with out proof of the process. Schools have become the state's indoctrination centers of the secular humanist religion through the power of their pulpit.

The modern-day miracles of animation have young children believing they know exactly how evolution works, because they've seen it on the television set in the classroom. Instead of scientific proof, our highly educated school board officials choose to document their facts with fraudulent fun cartoons documenting a lie that covers over "GOD Given Rights". Technically speaking, because you  evolved from pond scum, you have no God given rights. Hmm. Who else has a pulpit?

For every speech, the president has a powerful pulpit. Today the government's pulpit is a political pulpit used in order to produce policies prohibiting God and God's natural law. How is this the original intent of the Constitutional Republic? The founding fathers relied on a four volume set of God's natural laws and their interpretations as understood by the wisdom of man at that time. Including the Bible's 2000 pages, there was approximately 10,000 pages of law that worked well for America for the first 150 years. Natural law, unchangeable by nature. Why did our government throw that out? Don't give me that "wall of separation" delusion for an argument.
Government shall establish no religion. Is human secularism treated like a religion? Speaking of religion there is another pulpit we need to discuss. The pulpit of political correctness, denies the most central verse of God's word.

The center verse of the Bible, you know, is the middle one, with 595 versus before it, and 595 versus after it.It is found in the book of Psalms, chapter 118,verse:8, and it says, "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man."

 The pulpit of political correctness dictates that you,  "trust us, because we're from the government and we're here to help". I ask you to think about your eternal soul as you try to figure what is wrong with this picture. Remember, a soul that is eternal can perish at God's White throne judgement at the end of the next millennium. Meanwhile your best choice is choosing Jesus Christ as your soul Savior before the offer expires! One second after life, there is no second chance! There, I said it, while I freely could. Computer, note the time and date for the records.

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