Amerika, its over.
They have changed the law to prosecute the people instead of protecting the people.
It's plain to see where they are going now. They ARE going to slice and dice until YOU submit, PERIOD.
Rules & Regulations, have been generated by appointed bureaucrats and CZARs at a rate of 80,000 a year!
To what End?
The Bible is only 5000 pages! My bible tells me that God gave Moses only 10 commandments!
How is it 10 simple commandments sufficed for over 3000 years of time, yet in only 4 years, Obama's administration has given Amerikans well over 360,000 pages of new rules and regulations?
Rules that urge Our courts to follow Shariah Law? EPA rules allowing a bug more rights than a property owner? How about the executive orders? What about Martial Law at the 1st inkling of trouble from a CIVIL WAR 2?
Has Anyone thought about the chances of anyone being falsely charged for any (fill in the rule) crime accusers could conger?
To What End?
Moments ago You have been designated the WORKING Class, There will NO Longer be a designated Middle Class.
President Obama just prior to resuming his Hawaiian vacation, personally promised lot's of sledge hammer swinging jobs, crushing rocks, rebuilding His MBH nation's infrastructure. Be sure and thank a congressman or woman in Your district!