About a year ago I re- entered the local Wisconsin workforce.
Wouldn't you know it?
After I've survived for 2 1/2 years with out ANY help, what so ever from any WI government entities, by welding in my garage on sporadic projects for friends and neighbors and a few local companies who heard of me by word of mouth, why would I want to complicate my life by taking a job?
A JOB, by my definition, is a "Journey of the Broke", right? A job is a place where you go to do something for 8 hours a day, in exchange for money, to pay for things that consume the rest of your time. Simply put.
That old refrigerator had been reeking havoc with my time for quite some time. My quiet time was disturbed every time the compressor vibrated the drip pan or rattled a canister off of the top. Near the end of its existence, ya had to turn up the volume on the television every time it ran. My wife and I took turns getting up and shaking it ever-so gently so the freezer door don't spill semi frozen ice creme on the floor!
Finally it died, and I replaced it with the profits set aside for the next corporate project coming my way.
Fortunately, I had an inventory of steel to cover the carts that were on order at the time. However the cash on hand was depleted with my next business loan payment and by the purchase of the replacement refrigerator. It looked like my welding business was in its darkest hour.
Looking back at survival without government intervention for those 2 1/2 years, I realized how jobs are like Socialist, especially if they are pro-union, and I told myself, Never again! I'm looking for one of those "Monster Garages" kind of jobs. You know what I mean don't ya, something where your expertise can shine and bring value to the customer of the end product.
I got a call back on a resume for an opening, for a welder/fabricator who could think outside of the proverbial box.
These guys were in the middle of their first batch of parts for a firewood processor they designed. The engineer had not yet finished its blueprints! Their previous welder obviously could not read prints that are not yet drawn! Yes there were some bugs that needed my attention right off the bat! I love a challenge & I offered them a free afternoon to show them my skillls and I've had NO FREETIME since!
Since I took this Job that is! At one time, last fall, I was 30 units behind before we were forced to hire others to assist in production! Now I'm 2 completely new inventions behind. You guys with those outdoor wood burners will love the longer cut length of 39 inches. look for that one later this summer.
You see this is the kind of job creation America needs! The owner of this little LLC was not originally in manufacturing, but in agriculture, forestry, and composting wood by-products for sustainability. Now "we" make our destiny, and a name for ourselves one "Wood-Beaver" at a time.
You can see more at http://www.woodbeaver.net/
Monday, April 9, 2012
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