Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cabin Fever?

I've been building blog sites lately, with some software I purchased recenly,

Of coarse if ya know me, you know my passion is welding! You might know dambed well, my first choice was  I felt this outpost is just too small to get all political with business ya know? has to get updated to keep in touch with my profile and my exploits of last year. So why not create a facebook subdomain for my friends we camp with almost every Memorial Day week end and call it

Well hell, Har - v - hill - billy has always been a handy man, so and how - to DIY falls right into place, I think.

Well ya can't have a local business with out some kind of hometown site to spread around with any neighboring business or vendor's blogs and for my regional Wisconsin contacts and the like.Unfortunately, it too seems to be picking up political information these days!

Over at is your source for Free Facebook information, and I wouldn't have that to offer if I didn't click an affiliates's email link and put together with my spare time this last month.

"But Wait! There's More!"

But, not tonight.

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