I remembered a science show I saw about superfine metalic particles suspended in thick hydrolic oil. Still fluid like oil until an electro-magnetic feild was intoduced. The second electricity powers the magnet the fluid ceases to act like a fluid because every single individual particle in that fluid aligns itself to the feild and binds as it blocks the flow instantly.
I think BP should try this with the heavy mud & concreate idea instead of what? Junk? Shreaded tires? I heard one report say they where thinking of golf balls? come on! Get real for a minute, have you ever slipped & fell in pea gravel? Have you ever watched how much metel those magnets lift? DA!
Talk about the instant bindage you could create at the flip of a switch! The military has the same technology in their combat vehicles like the M-1 suspension system, why not apply it to tophat cap?
What do BP engineers get paid for anyways? Plumbing? Hmm... there ya have it BP, my idea in a nutshell. You have the dimensions you need & my fix for your problem, from the dark side of the Outpost.