I went shopping for Round Up and dog treats, but came home with 2, 6 - pack of chicks and a bag of chick starter to boot? What was I thinking? If you want free range chicken eggs ya gotta grow em yourself!
These little reds are my choice in natural pest control. I don't pretend to know why, but somethin about them chickens runnin around the yard eatin up bugs makes for better tasteing eggs.
Maybe just knowin that a chicken is a full time eatin machine lookin for anything that moves sets my mind at ease when the mosquitos start biting later this summer.
Pound for pound chicken mannure is the best fertilizer you can get, but you must compost it or it will burn your tomatoes if you know what I mean. Oh yeah, they will turn your compose pile for you when they grow big enough to turn lose. When that time comes, I wil show you how to train them to come home at night.
First, I have to build them a home to come home to. I built them a bottomless cage 3 ft. X 6 ft. X 2 ft. tall, then I butt it up to this converted dog house.
I want those good eggs! Remember those dark yellow yokes? The occasional double yoker?
Yup Im bettin at least half of this dozen of these beauties will turn out to be a rooster, but they eat just like any other chicken if ya cook 'em right. Don't laugh! Grandma used to put up young roosters twice a year after electricity came to the Great Plains" This operation wont get that big.
I figure 1/2 of one of those 10 ft. X 12 ft garden sheds is all the space requirements I will need for a dozen full grown birds. Who knows maybe something like an ice fishing shack will work just as well. There will be more on that project in the next few months as I will need it before next winter. hmm...a labor of love? we'll see.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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