Man, you gotta know you're doing something right when you get that phone call saying, "We have something we'd like to have you take a look at."
In this case the Phoenix works ok but the pallelts need to be uniform and square in order to work properly. every now and then a pallot binds if it has been repaired or has a doulbe stringer, we need about 3/4" more clearence.
Ahh #item number one. Clearence where? Between the plates?, Yup.
That means we need to split the frame and insert tubular inserts to stretch it.

Every thing will need to be unassembled, and I wonder if there will be enough slack in the wiring and hydrolic lines to accomodate the extra width in the machine? We can take care of that if we have to, they reply.I have concerns my welder might not be hot enought with your 15Amp 110volt circuits I would have to pick up the machine and take it home on my trailer to do the work on my 25 Amp circuit at home? I would ask for 2 weeks just in case I encounter problems. hmm... no response?

What about these sensors? they will be off set when I stretch the frame, and the bolt that the pushbar rests on will be right at the end of the belt drive? "We'll take care of the sensor and the top of the tube will need to have the bolts offset by about an 1 1/2"
Ahh,#item number two. 1 1/2" offset.
Will a welded bolt on 2X4X1/4" be ok? cool!

This is where the boards slip under and break when the forks lift the pallet. Ahh #item number 3, add 3/16"X1"X4" at 4 places, hmm. scribble that down too!
"Can you see where we we added door strip to cushion the stop? It was supposed to hold back the top plate but it compresses, so now we want to add adjustible tabs w/ 3/8" 16 thread bolts.
Ahh, #item number 4, 1/2" tabs. I have those handy too!
Lenny, they said, give us an estimate with your price and we take a look at it and go from there, OK? I sure thing I can do this, Its right up my alley!
Well to end this episode, I went home and started to look up what I needed to know about writing up a legitimate estimaate and you can look that up 2 articles below this one in my blog.
As it worked out this time they responded with "What if we rent the welder w/ a generator and you do the work here in the plant?" I told them thats $240 a week and I doubt I would actually need it 2 days but sure as long as I can work there I won't have to heat my shop, and You have fork trucks! how could I say no?