I ended my relationship with NuSkin last June because I was going broke buying worthless COLD CALL LEADS! Maybe 3 of a hundred were actually interested in my product. The scrips were more about recruiting rather than selling product. My experience was telling me something is wrong with this system. The pay checks were not enough to cover the phone bill! One month I spent over $1400.00 for on hand product, ADR, corporate web site to send personal clients to, etc... only to get a $55.00 paycheck. The red flags pooped up in my mind and I shut everything down to find something better!
I thought I was free from NuSkin until today. I received a FedEx package with a statement that they had bill my credit card again! I can't even get back into my back office to double check my closing actions! but I got the bill! another couple hundred $$ shot in the ASS!
Prepaid Legal then got their hooks into me for another &1600.00 That web site I paid for just up and disappeared! One Day it was there and the next it was gone! another site was on my address! what's up with that? I'm still working on that one! When you deal with a company of lawyers you had better know the laws!
Everybody who is new to this business knows what it is to ask, "who can I trust?" Today I'll say don't trust anyone who asks for money! Subscriptions or otherwise.
There are a lot of scams out there on the Web! Not all of them are bogus though, that's why I'm typing this rant! You don't have to go through what I did.
- You need to know what a good company pay plan looks like.
- You need to know how to spot a scam before you join!
- You need to know how to spot company policies that will work against you.
What if I told you that, You should take a test drive before you buy that car or truck your interested in? Open the hood and learn what's under it. Kick the tires.
You would agree, right?
Why do so many people get involved in bad companies? Simple, They are honest hard working people trying to make an honest living. They expect an honest return on their investment whether it be time or money!
That's why I am going to give you this advice. Before You open your wallet, and pull out a credit card STOP! Put it away! Put it back in your pocket, Now!
Why pay for information that is already out there on the web? I'm giving you a link to Free INFORMATION You need to know before you begin your business! Listen there are Good companies out there!
If you have been wondering how do I start, or what's wrong with me that I'm not making it, you need to check out Mentoring For Free!
Bring us your questions, our members have the answers! We'll work with any opportunity you may have already joined and can work with you to make it more profitable for you!
Learn How to think - not what to think! Click on the link below or copy and paste to your browser to get the FREE ebook "Success in 10 Steps"
here is the link http://LHW.successin10steps.com/?mad=38910
Buying leads is a