Remember I wanted to get some pictures of them sparks? I got a few of this quick fix idea too.
Just last weekend, I fixed the front end of this very same muffler. Simple as pull, the tire, place the jack stands, and come get me, and we'll see if I can bond the two back in place with a half weld that will hold until you get a 30 pound ice ball hangin off the back of it! Basicly my weld was similar to the broken weld you see above. Something like this can last a long time if done correctly. You see the problem is not the weld it is the area around the weld that is already well on its way to flaking away to nothing.
I looked at the back end and saw two nice welds and thaught to my self they're ready to crack out with in six months because that 5" chrome player "pipe extension" banged off the bottom of the bumper of the car for how many miles before you came home? Well this episode is about how I come to figure the kid, (my Manchild) now owes me a $20.00 bill and a 12-pack for the ol' fridge!
My general rule of thumb is that a muffler is not worth repairing only replacement! But I've been there myself, young, working to pay the bills, your rent, and money's tight, dad!
I ask him, "did you take the crome pipe piece off before, or after, the pipe broke?".
He smiles and says "After",
"So you wouldn't lose it, right?".